• Articulate and defend an informed decision about a view of a period in history. Formative: Retrieval practice quizzes throughout. Summative: Audio visual documentary / podcast / report on a chosen medieval country identifying key features of change and continuity, cause and effect and includin...
Your child will follow a tailored curriculum based on their academic strengths and interests, as well as their aspirations for the future. All our students study English, Maths, and Science. Your child will then choose options from subjects including Business studies, Geography, History, French, ...
The Latest history The history of grammar teaching A timeline for 4,000 years of grammar […] More Welcome to my website. Please tell me of anything that doesn't work properly, or anything that you think could be improved. Dick Hudson © 2014 Richard ('Dick') Hudson Statcounter...
The structure of a national curriculum inevitably reflects a political interpretation. I still feel a great deal of Angst about my involvement with national curriculum history mark one, and would welcome any opportunity to support systems which allow for more flexibility, though the signs are that ...
The 1999 National Curriculum for Englishat Key Stages 3 and 4 has the following requirements: Listening To listen, understand and respond critically to others, pupils should be taught to: identify the major elements of what is being said both explicitly and implicitly; ...
Throughout your time in KS3, you’ll realise that all your subjects require a significant amount of writing, whether it’s answering questions in Geography, writing essays in History or explaining the process of photosynthesis in Science. Gosh, you are busy bees aren’t you? Luckily, there ...
Why is it important for teachers to know how to teach phrases? The National Curriculum for English and the Framework for Teaching English: Years 7-9 both refer to specific areas of understanding that pupils should develop. The National Curriculum for English at Key Stages 3 and 4 has the fol...
Set your Twitter account name in your settings to use the TwitterBar Section. The Latest history The history of grammar teaching A timeline for 4,000 years of grammar […] More © 2014 Richard ('Dick') Hudson
The 1999National Curriculum for Englishat Key Stages 3 and 4 has the following requirements: Writing – Language structure Pupils should be taught the principles of sentence grammar and whole-text cohesion and use this knowledge in their writing. They should be taught …the structure of whole text...