We produce lesson plans with worksheets across the secondary school age-range. In England, that means Key Stage 3 (KS3) and Key Stage 4 (KS4)/GCSE. Our lesson plans usually include differentiation options and extension work, whilst our worksheets are highly-illustrated and built around the co...
KS4 probability questions In KS4 probability questions involve more problem solving to make predictions about the probability of an event. We also learn about probability tree diagrams, which can be used to represent multiple events, and conditional probability. One of the first probability slides on...
Find KS3 & KS4 Maths Worksheets and Maths resources online at Cazoom Maths. Our printable worksheets are helpful resources for teachers, parents & students.
The initial findings seem to indicate that some teachers adopt a more instructional style as they move into KS 4 and closer to the GCSE examination. In GCSE classes, there is a marked increase in the number of instructions as opposed to interactions together with an indication that in KS 4,...
A PSHE student progress data tracker and flight path generator (with instructions). This pack includes the KS3 - KS4 version of the materials. The pack is really easy to use - it’s for schools who wish to provide a numeric value to their students’ progress in PSHE. All you need to...
Maths Revision Game for KS3 and GCSE Foundation Are you looking for engaging ways for your high school maths students to review key topics? Whether you need a Fraction Decimal Percent Activity, adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers or reviewing Pythagoras’ Theorem, it’s in the ...
三喵为KS3(国际初中阶段)的小伙伴们准备KS3 Science学习资源包,内容包括科学自测题、物化生练习题等丰富的内容,帮助大家提高科学素养,速来领取福利! 📖KS3(国际初中)Science 福利内容一览 内含 KS3 科学学习资源,掌握科学学习方法 新鲜整理KS3科学自测...
牛津 KS3 系列 Oxford KS3 Science Activate Series1-4 PDF 牛津 KS3 系列 Oxford KS3 Science Activate Series1-4 PDF 牛津 KS3 系列 Oxford KS3 Science Activate Series1-4 PDF
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In a class of 30, it can be hard to give pupils the individualised support they need, meaning pupils can fall behind. Maths tuition supports whole class teaching by providing pupils with individualised support in the areas they need it most. ...