新的评分标准叫做Assessment without Levels,简单说就是完全取消了level这一个说法。取而代之的是和Reception类似的emerging(working towards the expected standard),expected(working at the expected standard)和exceeding(working at greater depth within the expected standard)。大部分学生应该都包括在这三类当中。特别...
今年来说,reading,maths和writing三科都至少达到expected的学生比例估计在50%左右。因为是头一年采用新的标准,所以有一个适应过程,估计接下来每年都会有提高。长期来说政府的目标是把达到expected的学生比例提高到86%左右,很显然这个目标任重而道远。 Key Stage 1 前面提到在英国的小学阶段有两个正式考试,分别是在二...
In KS2, children need to know how to count in fractions as well as decimals. In Year 3, pupils could ping pong count in tenths from 0 to 1 (or more). By counting these out loud, rather than writing them down, it may help them to identify that tenths as a fraction and tenths as...
Paper 2: a grammar, punctuation and vocabulary test, in two sections of around 10 minutes each (with a break between, if necessary), worth 20 marks. This will involve a mixture of selecting the right answers e.g. through multiple choice, and writing short answers. In May 2016, following ...
During Bug Hunt, spend the next 30 minutes writing down as many bugs as you can. Following each of the six sets of prompts in the next section, set a timer for 5 minutes and list as many bugs as you notice. 2. Prompts A. Mindful Walkthrough ...