fastening system for the installation and maintenance of roller in close revisionsffnungen to bad zugglichen sturzkstenhooks for the attachment of the roller 5 to a wickelwalze 6, characterised by the fact that a in the wickelwalze 6 fortified aufh\\u00e4ngeband 1 through a fanghakens 2...
Arndt, T.; Claussen, U.; Gussregen, B.; Schrofel, S.; Sturzer, B.; Werle, A.; Wolf, G. Kratom alkaloids and O-desmethyltramadol in urine of a "Krypton" herbal mixture consumer. Forensic Sci. Int. 2011, 208, 47–52. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 48. Ulbricht, C.; Costa, D.; ...