22, following concerns made public by Kansas Attorney General's Office. Those issues, spelled out in a letter, ranged from advertising restrictions to the Lottery's definitions of "vulnerable persons" and "sports governing body." It's "an ordinary course of business," according to Cory Thune,...
2007 The Kansas Expanded Lottery Act enables the establishment of four state-run casinos. 2009 Kansas’s Attorney General issued an official clarification, stating that online gambling should be considered illegal. 2013 A new bill aiming to expand land-based casinos and outlaw online gambling fails ...
All you’ve to do is to submit a certificate of your new business with the State Minister.An entrepreneur can either apply online, drop a mail, or visit the office in person to build a new LLC. In this article, we will explain the LLC formation method in Kansas. So let’s get start...
AINO MAJA BUNGE (Registration #4159604) is an attorney in Se-111 51 Stockholm admitted in New York State in 2003, registered with the Office of Court Administration (OCA) of New York State Unified Court System. The employer is SVERIGES RIIKSBANK. The attorney was graduated from HARVARD. The...
Christine Founder, Co-Trustee THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND www.RabiesChallengeFund.org cc: Diane McCartney, Wichita Eagle Attorney General Stephen N. Six Consumer Protection Division, Attorney General’s Office Kansas Senators and Representatives E-mails: [ Breeder Location (Kansas KS)...
Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s officefirst sought to shut down Agape on Wednesdayafter learning that someone on the state registry for child abuse and neglect was actively working there. On Friday, the attorney general’s office filed an amended motion alleging systemic abuse. ...
Carries out all elections and certifies results to the Secretary of State; maintains voter database; accepts filings for public office; keeps financial statements of expenses for county, city, school district candidates for the State. Hamilton County Commissioners ...
Kansas. To check if your name is available, it’s essential to run aKansas business name search. You should also run a trademark search on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website (and Kansas’s website) to ensure you’re not infringing on federally or state-protected trademarks...
The Conejos County Sheriff's Office is investigating the death of a 57-year-old man whose body was discovered on Wednesday in the 5400 block of County Road 13 in Antonito. According to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, The Colorado State Patrol dispatch received a report of a possible de...
Directory of Kansas government, departments, legislature, code, statutes, law, and KS government. Official links for State of Kansas legislative, executive and judicial branches of government.