Smart 过滤 PopularityRelease dateMinimum priceMaximum priceProduct description 显示产品 显示产品 10 件套排油塞, 外部六角 24mm, M22x1,5x14mm 商品号: 430.1187 25 件套排油塞, 外6角 24mm, M22x1,5x14mm 商品号: 430.2187 25 件套铜密封环, 外径 Ø 33mm, 内径 Ø 22mm...
可在12 和 24 伏之间切换 专为永久使用而设计, 即使内置电池 用于铅酸, 凝胶, 湿细胞, MF, VRLA, 钙, AGM 和深循环电池 微处理器精密充电控制能避免过充, 并根据充电过程自动切换到保持模式避免电池"肿胀"甚至"爆炸" 带集成供电功能用于无电池时的电源供应 ...
价格:6580元/件 最小采购量:1件 主营产品:电机风机,泵阀,传感器,编码器,模块控制器,工装夹具等 供应商:上海祥树实业发展有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:朱经理(分机8208) 联系电话 点此询价 QQ咨询 买家还在看 ABB变频器ACS180-04S-01A... 瑞典ABB变频器ACS580-01-03... ...
SCHMIDT Technology GmbH SS20 260 Nr:000000327 Konecranes M06-001-0.3??0.6)KW(WH) Honeywell F800-T11 Staubli K4N000908 ALSTOM CPH5/F101/F2/77191/E10-30V/PCCG Gemue I-DE-88012114-0 Rexroth 4WRDE16V1-125L-52/6L24EK9/V Rexroth 4WRZ10W8-85-7X/6EG24N9EK4/D3M??R900976333 mahle AF 10...
Company:Finaks, Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF), Russian ruble, Russia, Financial Services, Investments and Auditing, Startups, Russia
经营范围零售:电机、仪表仪器、五金产品、电子元件、电动工具。 点击查看更多企业信息 店内其他产品 更多>> 供应商:吕茜 佛山市禅城区铂锦机电商行 想获得更多采购商询盘?戳这里! 请供应商联系我 联系人: 采购数量: 联系电话: 发送验证码 手机验证码:
KS Engineers or Kristl, Seibt & Co. GmbH is an owner-managed company with headquarters in Graz working in the fields of automotive testing, industrial automation, and technical building equipment. KS Engineers supplies knowledge in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, control ...
Taiho Oncology: Sponsorship and participation in a charity run for colon cancer *1: CG Roxane, Crystal Geyser Water Company, Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Pharmavite, and Taiho Oncology *2: Otsuka Pharmaceutical Europe, Otsuka Pharma GmbH, Otsuka Pharmaceuticals (U.K.), and Astex Pharmaceuticals ...
Tube: PVC Reinforcement: 1 or 2 layers of high tensile strength polyester fibre Cover: PVC, Anti-UV ,Anti-aging Application: The hose is widely used in high pressure washer, air compressors and pneumatic tools. In agriculture,the high pressure pvc spray hose is used ...
Supplier : Ralph Messring GmbH [Germany] [ 關聯分類: Manufacturing & Processing Machinery, Metal Processing Machinery, Metal Bending Machinery ] [ 關聯關鍵詞 : vega, swing, Vibrating ] Sell Smart Watch Waterproof Heart Rate Tracker Blood Pressure ... switching, swimming waterproof, sports fit...