Zasady wychowania w koncepcji opiekuńczo--wychowawczej b. ks. Bronisawa Markiewicza (1842-1912) jako ródo inspiracji i motywacji do dziaalnoci duszpastersko-wychowawczejdoi:10.52934/eto.168The principles of upbringing implemented in the caring and educational concept of Fr. Bron...
Many saints have le behind journals of the soul, autobiographiesor spiritual notes. The authors of this kind of writings can also be found among the Salesian Family, e.g.: blessed. Rev. B. Markiewicz, blessed A. da Costa, blessed Rev. J. Kowalski, blessed A. Marvelli and Rev. S. Man...
E Markiewicz,B Hilczer,M Balcerzak,M Jurczyk DOI: 10.12693/aphyspola.126.971 年份: 2014 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 onAcademic 相似文献Foldable, electric-current conductivity biosensor An electric-current biosensor has a support, an electrode film, a conductive film, a ...
Notes… ks. Teodora Wieczorka SDB (1888-1957), cz. I. Autor i tekstMany saints have le behind journals of the soul, autobiographiesor spiritual notes. The authors of this kind of writings can also be found among the Salesian Family, e.g.: blessed. Rev. B. Markiewicz, blessed A. da...