follows the adventures of Clark Kent, with many other Kryptonians also appearing on the show. Premiering in the fall of 2001,Smallvilleshows a young Clark Kent (Tom Welling) in his adolescence and into early adulthood, with Clark gradually developing his Kryptonian powers and learning about his ...
Fans know that theFlash’s super-speed allows himto run at speeds faster than light; it also allows him to vibrate his molecules to different frequencies, granting him the ability to travel the multiverse. The Flash’s super-speed powers extend beyond merely running fast—his brain also works...
Hearing a legend that the totem grants its owner three wishes, Jimmy wished, “that a Super-Girl with super-powers equal to Superman’s would appear and become his companion!” Unknown to Jimmy, the totem produces a magical construct in the form of a blond-haired girl identical in appearan...