John Henry Irons was a main character from season one, and Bizarro’s arrival in season two was a direct homage to Doomsday’s debut. Heck, the show even did their version of The Eradicator, and one of the Kent sons could’ve easily become a new Superboy… in fact, the Jonathan of ...
COMICS CONNECTIONS:The show had been teasing a “Death of Superman” payoff since the beginning. John Henry Irons was a main character from season one, and Bizarro’s arrival in season two was a direct homage to Doomsday’s debut. Heck, the show even did their version of The Eradicator,...
On, Krypton was located in the system of the star-sun,though the actual Golden Age stories never specified any location.had Krypton "situated on the other side of the Sun" from Earth, putting Krypton in the Sol system, and some early stories followed this example. Krypton then began to mo...
Removed from the Superman story directly, the show will be able to flesh out the myth of the House of El, while still bringing in characters like Brainiac and Doomsday. The series will also have a fanatical religious element which will clash with some of Krypton's more science-minded ...
So until we get these answers, we all have no choice but to “kneel before Zod.” Oh, and don’t worry about Doomsday. He wouldn’t hurt anyone. He’s just misunderstood. Ad
and his fight to save his world from not not only alien invaders but also individuals who may one day lead Krypton to its doom, it has also introduced the likes of Adam Strange, Zod, Brainiac, and Doomsday. The result has been a surprisingly well made first season that has a lot to ...