Recycling CGShape optimizationKrylov subspace recycling is a powerful tool when solving a long series of large, sparse linear systems that change only slowly over time. In PDE constrained shape optimization, these series appear naturally, as typically hundreds or thousands of optimization steps are ...
This work presents a new Krylov-subspace-recycling method for efficiently solving sequences of linear systems of equations characterized by varying right-hand sides and symmetric-positive-definite matrices. As opposed to typical truncation strategies used in recycling such as deflation, we propose a tru...
We study the use of Krylov subspace recycling for the solution of a sequence of slowly-changing families of linear systems, where each family consists of shifted linear systems that differ in the coefficient matrix only by multiples of the identity. Our aim is to explore the simultaneous solution...
Host:Yue Qiu Abstract In this talk,Dr. Yanfei Jingwill introduce recent progress on recycling block minimun residual norm subspace methods for solving large linear systems with several right-hand sides given simultaneously or in sequence,...
Get the Arnoldi/Lanczos basis and Hessenberg matrix - you want to extract further information from the generated vectors (e.g. recycling)? Just pass the optional argument store_arnoldi=True. Explicitly computed residuals on demand - if you do research on Krylov subspace methods or preconditioners,...
Get the Arnoldi/Lanczos basis and Hessenberg matrix- you want to extract further information from the generated vectors (e.g. recycling)? Just pass the optional argumentstore_arnoldi=True. Explicitly computed residuals on demand- if you do research on Krylov subspace methods or preconditioners, then...
(计算数学专业论文)添加近似解的扩充Krylov子空间方法与半共轭方向方法解多右端线性方程组共轭,和,论文,近似解,数学专业,计算数学,计算数学和,扩充,子空间,线性子空间 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 1.19M 文档页数: 41页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0
Kevin Carlberg, Virginia Forstall, and Ray Tuminaro, Krylov-subspace recycling via the pod-augmented conjugate-gradient method, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Appli- cations, 37 (2016), pp. 1304-1336.K. Carlberg, V. Forstall, R. Tuminaro, Krylov-subspace recycling via the POD-...
Tuminaro, Krylov-subspace recycling via the POD-augmented conjugate-gradient method, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 37 (3) (2016) 1304-1336.K. Carlberg, V. Forstall, and R. Tuminaro. Krylov-subspace recycling via the pod-augmented conjugate- gradient method. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis ...
Recycling Krylov subspaceWe discuss the numerical solution of successive linear systems of equations \\\(Ax=b_i, \\\ i=1,2, \\\ldots ,m\\\) , by iterative methods based on recycling Krylov subspaces. We propose various recycling algorithms which are based on the generalized conjugate...