Quantum Dissipative SystemsCosmological modelsEarly Universe Particle PhysicsIn this work, we have systematically investigated the Krylov complexity of curvature perturbation for the modified dispersion relation in inflation, using the algorithm in closed system and open system. Our analysis could be applied...
We apply a notion of quantum complexity, called “Krylov complexity”, to study the evolution of systems from integrability to chaos. For this pu
As discussed in [26], performing the Arnoldi procedure takes O(m2⋅[N+p]) operations and constitutes the primary computational cost of the Krylov subspace projection technique. For this reason we turn to the incomplete orthogonalization procedure of length 2 whose time complexity is O(m⋅[N...
QUANTUM theoryOPERATOR theoryIn a quantum many-body system, autocorrelation functions can determine linear responses nearby equilibrium and quantum dynamics far from equilibrium. In this letter, we bring out the connection between the operator complexity and the autocorrelation function. In ...