Module Aggregate Supply: Introduction and Determinants KRUGMAN'S MACROECONOMICS for AP* 18 Margaret Ray and David Anderson. Krugman/Wells Macroeconomics in Modules and Economics in Modules Third Edition MODULE 38(74) Monetary Policy and the Interest Rate....
Well, we’ve has as close to a controlled experiment as you ever get in macroeconomics. Figure 7 shows U.S. federal debt held by the public, which has risen around $4 trillion since the economy entered liquidity-trap conditions. And Figure 8 shows 10-year interest rates, which have actua...
KRUGMAN'S MACROECONOMICS for AP* 30 Margaret Ray and David Anderson Module Long-run Implications of Fiscal Policy: Deficits and the Public Debt What you will learn in this Module : Why governments calculate the cyclically adjusted budget balance Why a large public debt may be a cause for concer...