Krom la dubindaj (kaj por Esperanto nevalidaj) argumentoj, prezentitaj en la ĵus citita misrekomendo11, ekzistas ankoraŭ unu konsidero, praktike pli grava, kiun tamen la Unikoda dokumento ne citas (probable ĉar la argumento estas iom hontinda por la grava instanco): la Majk...
In the back room of the gallery, we finally find an object of desire – or rather a photograph of it. As is the case with the displays, the actual object is absent. It is a so-calledFleischstein, a type of stone whose surface resembles marbled meat. The more such stones resemble mea...
ATMFD.DLL devre dışı bırakmak, OpenType yazı tipleri kullanan bazı uygulamaların düzgün çalışmasının durmasına neden olabilir. Microsoft Windows herhangi bir OpenType yazı tipini yerel olarak yayınlamaz. Ancak, üçüncü taraf uygulamalar bunları...
To headline the biennial, Tenthaus has brought on board the Jakarta-based collective Gudskul, an affiliate of the Indonesian collective ruangrupa, which curated last year’s Documenta in Kassel. Just so, Documenta’s break away from what we could call the “charismatic curator model” haunts thi...
longingly in through the gallery’s windows, quite likely at photographs of the backs of women’s heads. Søndergaard’s hybrid photographs, which exist in the temporally ambiguous realm between depiction and construction, seemed interestingly reinvigorated in this tantalising construct of an ...
) the traffic signal is still on, reflecting into the shiny black garbage bags. Somebody has tied a yellow “Police Line Do Not Cross” streamer around the whole sorry mess. An enormous and shiny new Amazon truck is slowly moving down the street, the first deliveries of the day. Every...
“I’m a gallerist, so wherever I go I’ll run a gallery”. These words were spoken by David Risley in an interview I conducted with him just before the official opening of his first exhibition in Copenhagen. I expressed some surprise at the fact that anyone would open a gallery in 200...