GOV. NOEM: Well, you know, as soon as this was brought to my attention, I certainly made some changes and looked at this- this passage, and I've met with many, many world leaders, I've traveled around the world. As soon as it was brought to my attention, we went forward and...
When asked if she agreed with Fury's characterization of DeSantis as "hiding" behind a 15-week ban, Noem said, "I believe that every leader now today has the opportunity to stand for every single life. And I'm proud that in South Dakota we have done exactly that." In March 2022, N...
KRISTI NOEM boasts about killing her 14-month-old puppy, CRICKET. Now, we’re seriously wondering if she just killed her own shot at being VP. The Guardian’s Martin Pengelly got his hands on an excerpt from “No Going Back” ($30), which will be published next month. In the boo...
Yes, this blog reported on VP-hopeful Noem’s dead puppy problem last week, andwe speculated recklesslyover, well, whether that dead puppy’s fat was injected into the governor’s lips as part of her hyper-labial MAGA makeover. But there’ll be no speculating here –How does somebody get...
Kristi Noem bragged about her own state’s achievements during her remarks, from her pushback on Covid lockdowns to South Dakota’s high birth rate. Noem said the state has the highest birth rate in the nation because "people are having babies because they're happy. And in South Dakota...
(Unless Trump runs again. Then, she’d become a gender-balancing VP candidate.) Noem’s rigged-election/masks-suck/own-the-libs persona meshes perfectly with the 2021 Republican Party built on the twin pillars of Stop the Steal and “1/6 was a false-flag operation.” Noem is Trumpism ...
“She’s sort of put herself in the VP-or-bust bucket,” the MAGA operative said, “and that’s a really bad place to be.” Bartlett said Noem may have fallen into a trap in her “misguided attempt” to project “some sort of Midwesternly strength.” ...