"The room was comfortable. All aspects of the stay are meticulously looked after. One can relax in the safety and serenity of the place. The grounds have clearly marked paths to stroll around. I walked around the premises and was spellbound by the beauty. I would go into the herbal garden...
0粉丝undefined视频 关注 为什么性会如此重要呢? #克里希那穆提 #克里希那穆提基金会 #灵性 © 1974 Krishnamurti Foundation of America 克里希那穆提基金会网址 | https://www.kfoundation.org 国际网站 | https://www.jkrishnamurti.org 2次播放2024-11-16发布 相关推荐 评论0打开...
KFA缩写是克里希那穆提基金会的美国(Ojai CA)的意思,KFA全写Krishnamurti Foundation of America (Ojai, CA)。 KFA缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择KFA正确的英文缩写及全写。 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:克里希那穆提基金会的美国(Ojai CA) 2.有道翻译:克里希那穆提基金会的美国(Ojai CA)获...
0粉丝undefined视频 关注 思想能认识到它受限制吗? © 1977 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust #克里希那穆提 #克里希那穆提基金会 #灵性 克里希那穆提基金会网址 | kfoundation.org 国际网站 | jkrishnamurti.org 0次播放2024-12-21发布 相关推荐 评论0打开...
krishnamurtifoundationofamerica网络克氏基金会 网络释义 1. 克氏基金会 这一套三部曲著作,大部分出自美国克氏基金会(KrishnamurtiFoundationofAmerica)所发行的早期全集,是克氏最简明易懂 …mybook.taiwanmobile.com|基于1 个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
not mere academic intelligence. For decades he engaged in dialogues with teachers and students to emphasize the understanding that it is only in freedom that true learning can take place. In 1969 the Krishnamurti Foundation of America (KFA) was created in the Ojai Valley by Krishnamurti and sever...
Photograph by Mark Edwards. Copyright © Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd The co-exploration of consciousness by the unique spiritual figure J. Krishnamurti and world-renowned theoretical physicist David Bohm took place in a series of more than 30 investigative dialogues. The purpose of this website...
schools and the foundation. They have always stressed the point of the teachings of Krishnamurti: everyone has the ability to enter the free realm of consciousness by himself, while the so-called truth, truth or Tao all point to the same realm. ...
‘Brockwood Today and in the Future’(https://brockwood.org.uk/), Krishnamurti Foundation Trust—Bulletin 83, p. 1. 5. Such indications can be found scattered throughout Krishnamurti’s vast oeuvre, but especially in such educational works asBeginnings of Learning,On Education,andThis Matter of...
Jiddu Krishnamurti. Writer: Gente iluminada. At the age of ten he became an orphan. His father was an early member of the Aydar Theosophical Society, which took over the education of his son and chose him as a world teacher and messiah. With the early lo