that centre is the traditon, is the conditioned state, which has been put together by time, both chronologically and psychologically.that centre is the accumulation of knowledge, always, that centre is always the past.You understand?Therefore,that centre is not a living thing.It ...
#克里希那穆提 #克里希那穆提基金会 #灵性© 1974 Krishnamurti Foundation of America and Krishnamurti Foundation Trust 克里希那穆提基金会网址 | 克里希那穆提中心 | 布洛克伍德公园学校 | 国际网站 | 0次播放2024-11-22发布...
Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 27 August 1983 in Krishnamurti Centre Brockwood (Jiddu Krishnamurti : Conversation 1563 How can the mind transform itself ? 40:00) chart Placidus Equal_H.Death by Disease 17 February 1986 at 12:10 AM (Liver cancer, age 90) chart Placidus Equal_H....
Can't one have that without the other, without the tail as it were, necessarily following? Can't two people be in love and both be so intelligent and so sensitive that there is freedom and absence of a centre that makes for conflict? Conflict is not in the feeling of being in love....
Each of us is a bundle of experiences and reactions. How is one to be free from this complex centre? Jiddu Krishnamurti To live in the eternal present there must be death to the past, to memory. Jiddu Krishnamurti Key Takeaways Knowledge is essential, but it’s also your anchor (heavy ...
With regard to the teachings he once told me, ‘I agree with everything that Ramana Maharshi said, with the exception of this business of the heart-centre being on the right side of the chest. I have never had that experience myself.’ ...
Considering the importance of the themes of conscience and morality within Krishnamurti's "spiritual anarchy," this paper tries to locate the absent centre of his seemingly decentered philosophy. It draws a comparative trajectory of the centrality of these themes in the lives and works of his ...
意识里充满了形象 #克里希那穆提 #克里希那穆提基金会 #灵性 © 1976 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust 克里希那穆提基金会网址 | 克里希那穆提中心 | 布洛克伍德公园学校 | 国际网站 |
了解更多信息,请登录。 #克里希那穆提 #克里希那穆提基金会 #灵性 克里希那穆提夏季聚会 连续第二年,2024年克里希那穆提夏季聚会被预订一空。这年8月,100多人来到布洛克伍德公园(Brockwood Park),度过了为期五天的静修生活。他们一起探讨了人生的基本问题,聆听了克里希那穆...
Jude Kelly OBE, Artistic Director of the Southbank Centre in London, which Britain’s largest cultural institution, joined the stage at the very end and gave a lovely albeit brief speech about this sold out opening night show. Photos: Nirozen Thavarajah for IndyBrown.TV and OMkari ...