Thereafter, exactly when Vasudeva, being inspired by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, was about to take the newborn child from the delivery room, Yoga-māyā, the Lord’s spiritual energy, took birth as the daughter of the wife of Mahārāja Nanda. Srila Vishvanath Chakravarty Thakura discu...
Krishna Chavan Edit pageAdd to list Track Actor Credits 4 titles Past Film & Video(4 titles)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide) Balaji Nimbalkar(1926) Mahadji Anant What(1925) Koundiya's wife Symantaka Mani(1925)...
This week I went on a quest of a different kind. In search of a roller derby NUMBER. I have already chosen a name (I’m keeping it under wraps a little longer), but I also get to choose a number to go with it. It’s 137, and a little bit spooky! Here’s why….. I decide...
Shoba the wife of Padmakumar Omega.exe(2013) Actress Kanna Laddu Thinna Aasaiya(2013) Shiva's Mother (as Vanitha Krishna Chandran) I Love Me(2012) Actress (as Vanitha) Chapters(2012) Krishnakumar's mother (as Vanitha) 101 Weddings(2012) ...
My current role as a father, mother, husband, wife, daughter, doctor, businessman, artist, etc. is the ‘service’ Krishna has given me. I have to perform all these ‘services’ but I’m none of these. jīvera ‘svarūpa’ haya — kṛṣṇera ‘nitya-dāsa’ ...
David Koresh came to power after marrying the previous leaders wife, after leaving the Waco group for a year he came back and in order to reclaim his position he shot the man fighting against him (the dude actually lived through it all). Along with the attempted murder of George Roden Kor...
Come On, Get Happy: The Partridge Family Story (1999) (TV Movie) - Hippie Buddy (as Krishna LeFan) Smart Guy (1999) (TV Series) - Barry (1 episode, 1999) I Was a Teenage Sports Wife (二月 14, 1999) Season 3, Episode 17 - Barry (as Krishna LeFan) 1 IMDb...
In the past there were many times, specially in winter, when Tulasi will shed almost all her leaves in the winter and I would worry how to ensure that she remains healthy. Whenever I would go out of station, I would ask my wife if she is offering water to Tulasi. She used to be...
Land 1857 (2018) Actress Premay Namaha (2017) Actress Life on the Road (2015) (Short) - Housewife INR 1MM Love Exchange (2015) Swati Nadkarni (as Rupali Krishnarao) Koyelaanchal (2014) Roopmati INR 65MM $374K IMDb...
Edit pageAdd to list Track Actor Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Connections Clients News Credits 1 title Past Film & Video(1 title)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide) Kottakil Ganapathy(2024) (Short)-Mahout's Wife...