The death of Kansa brings to a close the first phase of Krishna’s career. His primary aim has now been accomplished. The tyrant whose excesses have for so long vexed the righteous is dead. Earth’s prayer has been granted. Krishna has reached, in fact, a turning-point in his life and...
[C20: from Hindi, literally: Lord Krishna (vocative): the opening words of a sacred verse often chanted in public by adherents of the movement] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 20...
This is one of the movies of Dev Anand who gave great yet distinct movies to Hindi movie industries such as Jewel thief and guide. The story is short (if you ask me what is the story), plot is simple- a brother seeks for his lost sister. Sister has joined the hippies who smoke fro...
During this time, the moon’s energy is at its peak, and this is crucial in predicting the auspicious and inauspicious timings or Muhurtas. Get Free Marriage Predictions in Hindi Difference between Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha A Shukla paksha begins with the new moon and ends with the ...
Thecorrelation between the socio-economic circumstances and the ability to produceliterature and art has been pointed out not only by Woolf but other critics asThrough the existing translations (such as Prabha Khetan’s 1990-Hindi translation oftheSecond Sex,Strīupekṣitā) and the ...
August 1994 to August 2014 Chief Electrical Artificer Supervision, Operation, Management, Maintenance and DI/DR of RADAR / SONAR and other communication / digital equipment. Translation from Telugu to Hindi to English and vice versa Commendations: Commendation by FOC-in-C EastA...
Among her most-watched YouTube videos, garnering hundreds of thousands of views, are Bhagavatam lectures in Hindi that discuss ideals for women and married couples.24 In one, entitled “Ideal Women,” delivered (virtually) to a girls forum in Bikaner, Rajasthan, in June 2021, she begins by...