~RAM DASS “I’ve met many people who regularly turn to Krishna Das’s chanting for hope when in sorrow, a sense of belonging when feeling adrift, and for the sheer joy of recalling the power of love. I’m just like that too.” ~ SHARON SALZBERG “A fun, yet serious man with a ...
1968年冬天,Krishna Das遇到了Ram Dass,当时Ram刚从印度旅游回来。在美国和Ram Dass生活并旅行了一段时间以后,对Ram Dass的关于Maharaj-ji的传闻促使Krishna Das也去了印度,在那里他遇到了他的导师,并接受了导师的祝福。 在印度住了近3年后,Krishna Das的心被印度教的瑜伽术所深深吸引。意识到他内心深处的渴望,...
Krishna Dass Contacts Become a member to see Krishna Dass's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Krishna Dass(I) Edit pageAdd to list Track Camera and Electrical Department Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Connections...
where he was a basketball player and a musician. At a young age, he became interested in Eastern spirituality and psychedelics, and eventually, he found his way to the legendary American spiritual teacher, Ram Dass, who had recently returned from his first pilgrimage to India....
Join Ram Dass and Alan Watts in a conversation-style podcast about the journey from seperation to surrender, on Ep. 175 of Here & NowHanuman Lineage, Non-Renunciate Trip, & Guru (17:20)Asked to speak about Hanuman and devotion, Krishna Das shares bhav-filled descriptions of Hanuman-ji, ...
KD spent the late ’60s traveling across the country as a student of Ram Dass, and in August 1970, he finally made the journey to India, which led him to Ram Dass’ own beloved guru, Neem Karoli Baba, known to most as Maharaj-ji....
Featuring interviews withRam Dass(LSD Icon Richard Alpert),Rick Rubin(Grammy Award winning Producer),Sharon Salzberg(NY Times bestselling author),Daniel Goleman(two-time Pulitzer Prize nominee), and many others. Musical score by J Mascis (Dinosaur Jr) & Devadas....
Ram Dass Deva Premal Dikanda Temple Bhajan Band Ram Dass Khalsa Libera Influenced By Allen Ginsberg Close Facebook Twitter Email Email or Username Password Forgot login? Don’t have an account? Joining is quick and easy. Welcome to Myspace. Just start typing to find music. Queue Mixes This is...
Ram Dass, Fierce Grace(2001) Music Consultant $238K $238K Someone Like You(2001) Performer ("Hanuman Puja", "Radhe Shyam"), Writer ("Hanuman Puja", "Radhe Shyam") $23MM $10MM $27MM $39MM River of Love(1999) (Video)-Composer ...
Jeffrey Kagel was born to Jewish parents in 1947 but was very intrigued by Hinduism and began reading various books on it. He met with Ram Dass, the spiritual teacher, and went on to spend three years in the ashram of Neem Karoli Baba, where he was introduced to devotion and “Kirtan”...