and jewels, the water of which, from the reflection of rubies, appeared red, though perfectly white"-in all the license of joy sporting with his 16,000 wives, by whom he was surrounded " as lightning with a cloud"-they and he pelting each other with flowers, thousands of lotuses ...
The child Krishna was adored for his mischievous pranks; he also performed many miracles and slew demons. As a youth, the cowherd Krishna became renowned as a lover, the sound of his flute prompting the gopis (wives and daughters of the cowherds) to leave their homes to dance ecstatically...
So Krishna left to start a new career as Demon Destroyer and Hero, pausing only to kiss goodbye to each of his 16,000 wives. Many tales have been told of Krishna’s amazing adventures. How he rescued Rukmini from a devilish marriage. How he feuded with the villainous Sisupala. How ...
Krushna Abhishek and Sudesh Lehri’s comic jodi got very popular, and they were recognised as Krushna-Sudesh (as one name). Krushna Abhishek With Sudesh LehriHe has appeared with his wife, Kashmera in various TV shows, like ‘Nach Baliye 3’ (2007), ‘Kabhi Kabhii Pyaar Kabhi Kabhii...
After killing Kamsa, Krishna led his clan, the Yadavas, to the fortress city of Dvaraka. He settled there and married a beautiful princess named Rukmini. He later took other wives as well. The climax of Krishna's long struggle against the forces of evil came with the great war between...
Once the seven wives of Lord Krishna (apart from Rukmini) approached NaradaMaharshi and asked him, ‘Oh Narada, why is it that it is always only Rukmini who is fortunate to have her wedding to Lord Krishna celebrated as “RukuminiKalyanam”?’ Then, Narada went to Lord Krishna and asked...
Srila Rupa Gosvami’s lineage can be traced back to Karnataka, South India where his Sarasvata brahmana descendants held influential positions. Rupa Gosvami’s nephew, Jiva Gosvami has explained in his Laghu Toshani that Rupa’s descendants were of the Bharadvaja gotra and were learned in the...
Krishna further explained to His father, “This cosmic manifestation is going on under the influence of three modes of material nature goodness, passion and ignorance. These three modes are the causes of creation, maintenance and destruction. The cloud is caused by the action of the mode of pas...
to war with their cousins the Kauravas, Krishna agrees to be the chariot driver of the Pandava named Arjuna; and when Arjuna expresses doubts about going to war against his cousins, Krishna engages him in a lengthy discussion of ethics and duty which is known by itself as the Bhagavad Gita...
As the Lord has only taken his brother and his sister on this holiday, the wives are left athome! Alone and brooding, Goddess Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth), seeks help from Goddess Vimala to get their husband back. Traveling by night, in a closed palanquin, she arrives at the garden templ...