Krishna 美[ˈkrɪʃnə] 英[ˈkriʃnə] n.(象征丰收和幸福的)牧牛神讫里什那;【女名】女子名 网络克里希纳;奎师那;黑天 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. (象征丰收和幸福的)牧牛神讫里什那 2. 【女名】女子名 例句 释义: 全部,牧牛神讫里什那,女子名,克里希纳,奎师那,黑天 ...
KrishnaCrafts specializes in redesigning gold and silver jewelry, transforming old pieces into stunning new designs. We also create handcrafted jewelry for small god statues, ensuring exquisite detail and traditional craftsmanship. Elevate your treasures
Krishnakumar Kunnath(1968年8月23日-2022年5月31日),男,印度籍歌手。2022年5月31日,在一场表演结束后感到不适被送医,结果不幸逝世,享年53岁。人物生平 KK出生于1968年8月23日,以会唱多种语言的歌曲而闻名。2022年5月31日,在一场表演结束后感到不适被送医,结果不幸逝世,享年53岁。印度总理莫迪和...
The store: a one-stop shop for your spiritual Lifestyle We have a huge selection of items: women’s clothing, men’s clothing, children’s clothing, children’s toys, home altar supplies, Deities, meditation supplies, jewelry, books, ebooks, audiobooks, and more. I'll Build ...
【RLog】印度教神祗——克利须那Krishna 克利须那 多才多艺的神的化身 克利须那王对很多信众来说意味着很多:精神领袖、因果修行者、行动之神、超级政治家,以及国家的保卫者。简单来说,他是一个集多才多艺于一身的神的化身,也可以说是,集多种品质才华于一身,而仅其一位代表了所有品质。他就像蓝天一样无所不在...
Krishna Krishna,演员,1975年参演电影《复仇的火焰》。人物经历 1975年参演电影《复仇的火焰》。参演电影
Playback Singer, Writer (story) (as Krishna Misra) Jugaad (2009) Composer (music), Playback Singer Dream Girl (2009) Playback Singer Raaz: The Mystery Continues (2009) Vocals ("Bandaa Re"), Vocals ("Soniyo - From the Heart"), Performer ("Soniyo (From the Heart)", "Bandaa Re...
Related to Krishna:Krishna River Krish·na1 (krĭsh′nə) n.Hinduism The eighth and principal avatar of Vishnu, often depicted as a handsome young man playing a flute. He appears as a charioteer and adviser of Arjuna in theBhagavad-Gita. ...
尼古拉斯·洛里奇Nicholas Roerich的作品「Krishna (Spring in Kulu)」无水印高清大图免费下载,创作年代:1930,图片尺寸:1800x1133px,风格:象征主义,体裁:宗教画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」