Stephen Krashen´s Theory of Second Language Acquisition史蒂芬Krashen的第二语言习得理论 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis and English classroom teaching 论Krashen的二语习得理论 关于制度变迁的三个假说及其验证 Chapter 5 krashen´s five hypotheses Salomon假说 相关搜索 krashen output stephen krashen kras...
Krashens Input Theories The principal tenets of the theory, i.e. an amalgam of five hypotheses. 1, The acquisition/learning hypothesis 2, The natural order hypothesis 3, The monitor hypothesis 4, The input hypothesi 2、s 5, The affective filter hypothesis1, The acquisition-learning hypothesis ...
•NaturalOrderHypothesis •Acquisition/LearningHypothesis •MonitorHypothesis •InputHypothesis •AffectiveFilterHypothesis Krashen’sFiveHypotheses ELLIceberg BICS CALP “Myownbias…istoavoiduseoftheterms consciousandunconsciousinsecondlanguage theory.Ibelievethatthesetermsaretooladen withsurplusmeaningandtoo...
Krashen's theory of second language acquisition consists of five main hypotheses: Krashen 的第二语言习得理论包括五个主要假设: the Acquisition-Learning hypothesis;习得-学习假说; the Monitor hypothesis;监控假说; the Input hypothesis;输入假设; and the Affective Filter hypothesis;和情感过滤假说; the Natura...
5. THE AFFECTIVE FILTER HYPOTHESIS Motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety all affect language acquisition, in effect raising or lowering the "stickiness" or "penetration" of any comprehensible input that is received. These five hypotheses of second language acquisition can be summarized: "1. ...
Krashen的输入理论(共20张PPT)Acquisition:sometheories MadebyWandy StephenKrashen WhendoyouknowaboutKrashen?Krashen’sInputTheories •Theprincipaltenetsofthetheory,i.e.anamalgamoffivehypotheses.•1,Theacquisition/learninghypothesis•2,Thenaturalorderhypothesis•3,Themonitorhypothesis•4,Theinputhypothesis...
其中,Swain 提出的“输出假设”是研究最成熟 Krashen has made the careful description and the proof on five big suppositions, has especially affirmed the input supposition important status, input supposition into it “the supervisory theory” core content.This supposition believed, may understand the ...
Krashen的输入理论 英文版.pptx,Acquisition: some theoriesMade by WandyStephen KrashenWhen do you know about Krashen?Krashen’s Input TheoriesThe principal tenets of the theory, i.e. an amalgam of five hypotheses.1, The acquisition/learning hypothesis2, Th
Krashen的二语习得理论包含5个重要假设: 习得-学习假说 (the Acquisition-Learning hypothesis); 监控假说(the Monitor hypothesis); 自然序列假说(the Natural Order hypothesis); 输入假说(the Input hypothesis); 情感过滤假说(the Affective Filter hypothesis). ...
What are the 5 hypothesis of Krashen? Krashen's five hypotheses are the acquisition-learning hypothesis, the monitor hypothesis, the input hypothesis, the affective filter hypothesis, and the natural order hypothesis. All five come together to form Krashen's theory of second language acquisition. Wh...