近日,来自德克萨斯大学的David S Hong教授团队于The New England Journal of Medicine杂志发表文章Sotorasib in KRAS p.G12C–Mutated Advanced Pancreatic Cancer,公布了索托拉西布在胰腺癌的一、二期临床研究结果,评估了索托拉西布针对KRAS p.G12C突变型胰腺癌治疗的安全性及有效性。研究对象涵盖了38位携带KRAS ...
[3] Jänne PA, et al. Adagrasib in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Harboring a KRAS G12C Mutation. N Engl J Med. 2022;387(2):120-131. [4] Strickler JH, et al. Sotorasib in KRAS p.G12C-Mutated Advanced Pancreatic...
近日,来自德克萨斯大学的David S Hong教授团队于The New England Journal of Medicine杂志发表文章Sotorasib in KRAS p.G12C–Mutated Advanced Pancreatic Cancer,公布了索托拉西布在胰腺癌的一、二期临床研究结果,评估了索托拉西布针对KRAS p.G12C...
[3] Jänne PA, et al. Adagrasib in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Harboring a KRAS G12C Mutation. N Engl J Med. 2022;387(2):120-131. [4] Strickler JH, et al. Sotorasib in KRAS p.G12C-Mutated Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. N Engl J Med. 2023;388(1):33-43. [5] Yaeger R, ...
[7] Zeitouni D, et al. KRAS Mutant Pancreatic Cancer: No Lone Path to an Effective Treatment....
近日,来自德克萨斯大学的David S Hong教授团队于The New England Journal of Medicine杂志发表文章Sotorasib in KRAS p.G12C–Mutated Advanced Pancreatic Cancer,公布了索托拉西布在胰腺癌的一、二期临床研究结果,评估了索托拉西布针对KRAS p.G12C突变型胰腺癌治疗的安全性及有效性。 研究对象涵盖了38位携带KRAS ...
PANCREATIC cancerCANCER treatmentPANCREATIC ductGENETIC mutationDespite significant advancements in the treatment of other cancers, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains one of the world's deadliest cancers. More than 90% of PDAC patients harbor a Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRAS)...
mutation rates of KRAS including pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, and nonsmall-cell lung cancer.cFrequency of co-occurring aberrations in KRAS mutant cells. Only a mutant prevalence of at least 3% is shown in addition to EGFR mutation, given the important effect of EGFR mutation on NSCLC....
mutation rates of KRAS including pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, and nonsmall-cell lung cancer.cFrequency of co-occurring aberrations in KRAS mutant cells. Only a mutant prevalence of at least 3% is shown in addition to EGFR mutation, given the important effect of EGFR mutation on NSCLC....
TreatmentoptionsforKRASdriven Nextgenerationdrugsfor tumors KRAS-mutanttumors FollowingthediscoveryoftheRASoncogeneand decadesofresearch,in2013,researchersidenti?ed thattheactivatedKRASisozymecausedbytheG12C mutationintheKRASgenecouldbedirectlyinhibited viatheswitchIIpocket,whichprovidesacovalent ...