The KRAS G12 D mutation was then analyzed by dd PCR in FFPE tumors and stool-derived DNA from patients with this point mutation. Wild-type(WT) tumors, as determined by pyrosequencing, were included as controls; analysis of FFPE tissue and stool-derived DNA by dd PCR was performed for ...
参考: Therapeutic Response of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Harboring a KRAS Missense Mutation After Combination Chemotherapy With the EGFR Inhibitor Panitumumab ”
2024年6月27日,同济大学附属上海市肺科医院任胜祥、周彩存教授团队与复旦大学基础医学院李飞团队及恒瑞公司药物研发团队合作在Cancer Cell上发表题为Anti-tumor efficacy of HRS-4642 and its potential combination with proteasome inhibiti...
周彩存教授:KRAS是第一个被发现的驱动基因,很早就被发现,但是直到近两年,我们才有针对KRAS G12C的药物sotorasib、adagrasib,这两个药的缓解率为40%,PFS为6.5个月。疗效显然不令人满意,我们期待更好的药物,在这个领域还有很多的产品正在研发中。 KRAS G12D是KRAS非常重要的一个突变亚型,针对此靶点的药物一直没...
为应对这一挑战,2023年3月,《Nature Medicine》杂志发表了一篇题为《Codon-specific KRAS mutations predict survival benefit of trifluridine/tipiracil in metastatic colorectal cancer》的研究文章,揭示了KRAS基因的密码子特异性突变能预测mCRC患者对特定化疗药物trifluridine/tipiracil的生存益处,并强调了精准医疗在CRC治疗...
近期,来自美国Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center的Klempner, M.D.研究组在The new england journal of medicine发表题为Adagrasib with or without Cetuximab in Colorectal Cancer with Mutated KRAS G12C的文章,展示了西妥昔单抗和阿达格拉西布联合给药,治疗含有KRAS-G12C突变的转移性结肠癌的一/二期临床...
KrasG12D Mutation (9)DC Vaccine in Pancreatic Cancer 从这些临床试验的介绍来看,试验基本上是处于一期或二期。 2. 2023年7月的数据 正在进行的有针对 KRAS G12D 基因突变的临床试验(2023年7月的数据),查到下面的临床试验有针对 KRAS G12D基因突变的。
[2]FDA Approves Sotorasib Plus Panitumumab for KRAS G12C–Mutated Colorectal Cancer. [3]2024ASCO会议摘要.
2022年12月13日,Mirati Therapeutics公司研发的KRAZATI(Adagrasib)获FDA批准用于后线治疗携带KRAS G12C突变的局部晚期或转移性非小细胞肺癌患者。参考文献:
The NCCN guidelines for colorectal cancer contain recommendations that the targeted therapies cetuximab and panitumumab should only be used in the context of wild type KRAS. However, cetuximab treatment was shown to extend survival in a single cohort of colorectal patients with G12D mutations. ...