KRAFTON will further expand our original IPs and build immersive, virtual worlds, where our fans play together and share fun moments. We will meet everyone in the world we are building. News KRAFTON AND EF GAMES INTRODUCE RIVALS HOVER LEAGUE AT FUTURE GAMES SHOW 2025. 03. 21 KRAFTON HOSTS...
Welcome to the KRAFTON, Inc. support page. How can we help you? We have ready answers for many common questions about PUBG Mobile.
绑定步骤: 1.登录您的KRAFTON ID后,在“已绑定账户”栏中找到“STEAM”并点击最右侧的“立即绑定”;2.自动跳转到Steam官网后,登录您需要绑定的Steam账户;3.请确认您的Steam账户信息,确认无误后点击“登录”;4.点击“允许”;5.自动跳转回KRAFTON ID官网,并且“STEAM”右侧显示“已连接 ID:xxx”。
–NEW STATE MOBILE implements the same quality of realistic action animations and gunplay mechanics as PUBG on PC. –The application of ADS collimating and ballistics systems in-game make gunfights all the more realistic and intense. –From the controls and to the response systems, no comprises ...
全新的KRAFTON全球账号程序将于北京时间2021年9月8日10点正式上线 ! FAQ 1. 什么是KRAFTON全球账号? KRAFTON全球账号是KRAFTON旗下游戏的通用账户系统。虽然目前使用KRAFTON全球账号的游戏只有PUBG,但之后发行的新游戏也将同样使用KRAFTON全球账号; 我们将通过新网站accounts.krafton.com实现对KRANTON全球账号的管理。该网...
1. 打开PUBG全球账号官网:;如果你的Krafton账户没有退出来,先退出账户; 2. 在PUBG全球账号登录界面,我们选择“Steam”快捷登录; 3. 进入到“使用您的Steam 帐户登录到Krafton ID”界面,我们输入Steam账号和密码后,点“登录”; ...
绑定/解绑 KRAFTON ID 绑定steam安全令的方法 如何验证游戏档案的完整性 游戏进程中出现卡顿的情况怎么办? Chatbot - 新增用户支援渠道 PUBG游戏配置 Prime Gaming 奖励简介 免费BP,免费箱子,免费道具? 玩家关怀奖励活动 举报Cheaters/Hackers/Teamkillers 如何申请退款...
使用你的组织帐户登录 You can login to your account. If you can’t remember your password, please resethere. For any question, please leave the message to Slack #ask-it or 계정으로 로그인할 수 있습니다. ...
PUBG全球服账号注册官网地址: PUBG全球服账号注册流程步骤: 1.打开PUBG全球服账号注册官网网址,选择“创建账号”;如下图所示: 2. 在打开的账号注册信息填写页面,依次输入邮箱、密码、昵称、出生年月日、勾选协议,然后选择“创建账号”按钮;如下图: ...