The second part of the thesis touches on the Kraft-McMillan Inequality. Since the proof of this latter inequality uses limits, we cannot immediately analyse its equality cases. The paper will therefore study the equality cases of this theorem and demonstrate that these equality cases have similar ...
Kraft–McMillan inequality Free semigroup Integer matrix 1. Introduction Let S be a semigroup and let X be a subset of S. Then X is called a code if for any integers m,n≥1 and any elements x1,…,xm,y1,…,yn∈X the equationx1x2…xm=y1y2…yn implies thatm=nandxi=yifor1≤i≤...
影响及意义 克拉夫特不等式(Kraft inequality)信源编码理论中的一个重要不等式.当一个码的任意码字与比它更长的任意码字的字首不相同时,称此码为满足字首条件的码.由码字分别为N;(i=1,2,……,M)的M个码字所组成而且又满足字首条件的码,其存在的充分必要条件是满足公式M-N<1此式称为克拉夫特不等式.