Key Result Areasrefer to general areas of outputs or outcomes for which the department’s role is responsible. Key Performance Areasare the areas within the business unit, for which an individual or group is logically responsible. .Hope the post is able to explain the concept of KRA and K...
The Domestic Taxes Department accounts for 65% of KRA revenue collections and therefore Mrs. Simiyu is tasked with the role of delivering on this mandate. RELATED Virus Adversely Affects KRA’s Tax Collection Targets KRA Commissioner General James Mburu’s Term Extended to 5 Years ...
Teacher FileTo create and update user accounts for teachers. This file reports a record for all primary Kindergarten teachers. The most recent Primary teacher on or prior to the Snapshot Date reports. To report: The section's course must be marked as Homeroom (Scheduling > Courses > Course ...
Operations of manufacturers in alcohol and cigarette production, for example, have been under the 24-hour watch of the taxman for years. Such firms are required to install internet protocol (IP) cameras in their production lines, which transmit real-time data to Time Towers and have the ca...
The work presented here was carried out almost entirely by me (so far), Dr Kris Nikov as part of my PhD project in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Enginnering at the Univeristy of Bristol, UK. I have received some minor contrubutions such as the initial code for the OLS mod...
Eaton (2012) suggest that a better approximation of posterior statistics for a chain exhibiting autocorrelation can be obtained by simply making the chainNtimes longer, rather than thinning the chain by only considering every\(N\text{th}\)sample. This accounts for the length of the MCMC chain ...