| whereisnotempty(peerings)| project networkId=id,VNetName=name,peeringState=tostring(peering.properties.peeringState),peering
| where TimeGenerated between (ago(1d) ..now() ) | where isnotempty(DeviceHealthThreatLevel) // only show if Device was previously in the non compliant list | where ComplianceState == "Compliant" and DeviceName in (notCompliant_) | project TimeGenerated, Complian...
| where isnotempty(CommandLine) | project TimeGenerated, Computer, Account = SubjectUserName, AccountDomain = SubjectDomainName, FileName = Process, CommandLine, ParentProcessName; processEvents}; let decodedPS = ProcessCreationEvents | where CommandLine contains " -encodedCommand" | parse kind=rege...
Time=bin(unix_time, 60) | where unix_time > ago(1h) and severity > 8 and isnotempty(User) | summarize Events=count() by User, Time | order by Time, Events desc 可选:向 KQL 查询添加参数。 使用公共参数和缺省值可以减少为窗口小部件创建或编辑单个查询所需的时间。 要将现有参数插...
source | where ActivityId == "383112e4-a7a8-4b94-a701-4266dfc18e41" | project PreciseTimeStamp, Message printsom alltid skapar en enskild rad. Till exempel: Kusto printx =2+2, y =5|extendz =exp2(x) +exp2(y) Tabelloperatorer som stöds ...
Syntax to return items where a text property has a value: <Property Name>:* Syntax to return items where a text property does not have a value: NOT <Property Name>:* The following example will return sites which are associated to a hub site, excluding the hub sites themselves: ...
Syntax to return items where a text property has a value: <Property Name>:* Syntax to return items where a text property does not have a value: NOT <Property Name>:* The following example will return sites which are associated to a hub site, excluding the hub sites themselves: ...
source,它表示源数据。 例如: kql 复制 source | where ActivityId == "383112e4-a7a8-4b94-a701-4266dfc18e41" | project PreciseTimeStamp, Message print 运算符,它始终生成一行。 例如: Kusto 复制 print x = 2 + 2, y = 5 | extend z = exp2(x) + exp2(y) 支持的表格运算符...
Where would the "off" switch be? I had some benchmarks for case insensitive vs case sensitive on keyword fields here option b) Same point about the lack of off switch. We have tried to make wildcard field == keyword field in terms of behaviour so in this respect it would not be ...
SigninLogs |whereTimeGenerated >ago(14d) |whereAppDisplayName !has"Teams" This query would find SigninLogs where the application display name does not contain "Teams". Project Basics Project allows us to select which columns are returned in our query and in which order. ...