我无法练习如何修剪字符串以显示“字符”的第三个实例和第一个实例之间的数据( 我尝试使用trim_start/ trim_end,也使用split命令,但仍然会遇到regex问题。字符串的一个示例是[ "HOSTNAME", "Test User (t.user@example.com)" ]。我希望将Test从字符串或主机名、Test和t.user@example.com中提取...
| project UserName, TimeGenerated, Hostname = trim_end("[.].*", SessionHostName), ProductiveTime, CorrelationId | order by TimeGenerated However, reviewing the data generated by the above queries, there are inconsistencies between the data that is returned. For example, the first KQL que...
Sorry, this is quite hard to visualize, without seeing your example. Are you using, something like this KQL (not sure where the hostname is coming from in this data though). AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs | summarize Events=count() by ServicePrincipalName, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d) Is this som...
union*// Get the Workspace Name(s) from a parameter|extend stringtoSplit=split("{WorkspaceIDguid}",",")|mv-expand stringtoSplit|where stringtoSplit has TenantId|extend workSpacename=trim(@"[^\w]+",tostring(split(stringtoSplit,":").[1]))// end of get ...
[0] 0 ~ 20mA [1] 4 ~ 20mA P11.02 Analog Output 1 Adjustment 0 mA 选择P11.00= "[7] Trim 0mA" 后,调节此参数使其输出电流为0mA. P11.03 Analog Output 1 Adjustment 4 mA 选择P11.00= "[8] Trim 4mA" 后,调节此参数使其输出电流为4mA. P11.04 Analog Output 1 Adjustment 20 mA 选择P...
在窗体上画一个名称为 Command1 的命令按钮 , 然后编写如下事件过程 : Private Sub Command1_Click() c=1234 c1=Trim(Str(c)) For i=1 To 4 Print ___ Next End Sub 程序运行后 , 单击命令按钮 , 要求在窗体上显示内容 : 1 12 123 1234 则在横线处应填入的内容为 ( ) A. Right(c1, i) B....
Working with the real data now, I've created a sort of intermediate table from Service Principal logins that breaks the data up to three columns: the SP name the date the number of events using | summarize Events=count() by ServicePrincipalName, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d) ...
Morning all, I have data where there are 20-30 distinct values, and I want to group the data into a smaller number of groups. As an example: Hostname Events GGPC-01 5 GGPC-02 12 JEPC-01 50 JEPC-02 20 I want to associate all hostnames starting with GG to the value "Guernsey ...
union*// Get the Workspace Name(s) from a parameter|extend stringtoSplit=split("{WorkspaceIDguid}",",")|mv-expand stringtoSplit|where stringtoSplit has TenantId|extend workSpacename=trim(@"[^\w]+",tostring(split(stringtoSplit,":").[1]))// end of get workspace ...