=~检查等式(不区分大小写)EventSourceName =~ "microsoft-windows-security-auditing" !=, <>检查不等式(两个表达式完全相同)Level != 4 andor必需的 between 条件Level == 16 or CommandLine != "" 其他常见筛选命令包括: 命令说明示例 take *n*适用于小型结果集。 take 将从结果集返回没有特定顺序的 n...
呼叫KQL 函式時,您可以提供一組參數。 這是建置 ASIM 剖析器的重要概念,因為它可讓您先使用動態值來篩選函式結果,然後再傳回結果。 首先,瀏覽至 Microsoft Sentinel 工作區中的 [記錄]。 下列範例函式會傳回 Azure 活動記錄中從特定日期之後符合特定類別的所有事件。
现在,你已经了解了 KQL,让我们看看可在 Microsoft 产品中使用 KQL 的不同查询环境。 Azure 数据资源管理器 Azure 数据资源管理器是一种完全托管的高性能大数据分析平台,可让你轻松地以准实时方式分析大量数据。 Azure 数据资源管理器工具包提供了用于数据引入、查询、可视化和管理的端到端解决方案。
在Microsoft Fabric Eventhouse 中使用即時資料 儲存 閱讀英文 7 中的 3 個單位 已完成100 XP 12 分鐘 Eventhouse 中的 KQL 資料庫已經過最佳化而可處理大量即時資料。 若要獲得最佳結果,請牢記一些良好做法。 以即時資料的資料流為基礎的資料表可能會變得很大。 盡量減少查詢所傳回的資料有助於獲得最佳效能,並...
Thank you to,Jing Nghik, andSreedhar_Andefor co-authoring this solution. Thank you as well to the many Microsoft employees who assisted with testing this workbook and by providing feedback for change. Looking to start the new year with KQL? Looking for a hands-on ...
Morning all, I have data where there are 20-30 distinct values, and I want to group the data into a smaller number of groups. As an...
KQL Training KQL Basics Threat Hunting Basics KQL Community Please: Read the Disclaimer below. If you found a useful query here, consider giving a ⭐ to this repository. Enjoy, and please reach out for any concerns and suggestions: cyb3rmik3. KQL Training Microsoft Security Operations Analyst...
Usefully there aretraining workbooks built into Sentinelthat can be used to speed up learning the language and that offer examples of how KQL can be used in different use cases. If you want to experiment before getting started, you don’t need to have Sentinel installed, as Microsoft has a...
Kusto Query Language, a query language referred to as KQL, is used to analyze data and provide analytics, workbooks, and hunt in Microsoft Sentinel. Understanding fundamental KQL statements provides the foundation for more complicated statements to be built. The basics of KQL include what table to...
Robert Cain Robert C. Cain (arcanecode.com) is a Microsoft MVP, MCTS Certified in BI, and is the owner of Arcane Training and Consulting, LLC. He is also a course author for Pluralsight, team member at Linchpin People, and co-author of 4 books. More Courses by Robert Support...