使用"take"操作符:KQL提供了"take"操作符,可以在查询中使用它来指定返回的行数。例如,可以使用" | take 100"来限制返回结果的行数为100行。 使用"top"操作符:KQL还提供了"top"操作符,可以在查询中使用它来指定返回的行数。与"take"操作符不同的是,"top"操作符可以按照某个字段进行排序,并返回前N行...
This further parses our domain to find the top level domain, in this case a .com When using the parse operator, KQL will run through all your rows of data and return even results where there is no match. So depending on your data structure you could end up with many rows of empty ...
let TopHashtags = Tweets | summarize Count = count() by Hashtags | order by Count desc | take 10; TopHashtags | project Hashtags In this example, there are two query statements. The first statement creates a variable called TopHashtags that holds the top 10 hashtags. The second statement...
This further parses our domain to find the top level domain, in this case a .com When using the parse operator, KQL will run through all your rows of data and return even results where there is no match. So depending on your data structure you could end up with many rows of empty ...