In the toolbar on the top, click Run.Explore the resultsWhat do you notice about the results? Scroll to view the whole dataset. Here are a few takeaways:Each event has a start and end time, from the year 2007. The EventType column shows different kinds of storms. The state (in ...
使用"top"操作符:KQL还提供了"top"操作符,可以在查询中使用它来指定返回的行数。与"take"操作符不同的是,"top"操作符可以按照某个字段进行排序,并返回前N行。例如,可以使用" | top 100 by Timestamp"来按照"Timestamp"字段排序,并返回前100行结果。 这些方法可以根据具体的需求和查询场景来选择使用。...
top *n* by *field*Use this filter command to return the topnrows, sorted by the nominatedfield.AuditLogs | Top 10 by timeGenerated sort by *field* (desc)If you want to sort only the result set, you can use the sort command. You need to specify the field to sort on, and then yo...
| where KBID == "5031362" | project Computer, Oct_Installed=UpdateState; union (AUGUPDATES | project Computer, Month="August", Status=Aug_Installed), (SEPTUPDATES | project Computer, Month="September", Status=Sep_Installed), (OCTUPDATES | project Computer, Month="October", Stat...
I am trying to create a query that will only bring me the results from the working day from 9 am to 18 pm... how can I create it? I do not found any information about this kind of time range... because some Metrics shows % of efficiency but... I just want to ...
Top TransparentDataEncryptionState TriggerName TriggerObject TriggerRunId UserAssignedIdentityAction UserAssignedIdentityId UserAssignedIdentityInEncryption UseSystemAssignedIdentityInEncryption WaitIntervalInSeconds WorkspaceId WorkspaceItem WorkspaceItemType WorkspaceKeyName WorkspaceName WorkspaceObject WorkspaceP...
topReturns the first N rows of the dataset when the dataset is sorted usingbyT | top numberOfRows by expression [asc|desc] [nulls first|last] summarizeGroups the rows according to thebygroup columns, and calculates aggregations over each groupT | summarize [[Column =] Aggregation [, ...]...
Westwood One seized on the opportunity to capitalize on this, apparently, when they purchased FM 100.3 in Los Angeles and changed the format to top-40 with a hard edge and a diverse playlist, the likes of which the southland hadn't seen since Ten-Q. (Find someone who likes all of the...
ALPS SKQL Series 说明书 TACT Switch TM Sharp Feeling Soft Feeling Snap-in Type Surface Mount Type Radial Type 356 Detector Push Slide Rotary Encoders Power Dual-in-line Package Type Multi Control Devices Custom-Products Product Line SKQLLAE012SKQLLCE012SKQLLBE012SKQLLDE012 1.57N 1.57N 2....
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