One thing to point out here that we are not experts in query language like AQL and YARA Rules, we know how to export the detection rules in CVE format, our combined knowledge of AQL is also limited and would be considered basic at best. We quickly realized that AQL is similar to...
email Description: The email address of the recipient Required: true Settings: Target: Defender Template: |- EmailEvents | where RecipientEmailAddress =~ '{{email}}' | project Timestamp, NetworkMessageId, SenderFromAddress, SenderDisplayName, Subject, DeliveryLocation | top 100 by Timestamp desc...
{}".format(today...(days=-30) # 定义偏移量,即与当前时间的时间间隔 start_time = int(round((today + offset).timestamp()*1000)) # 定义查询开始时间...所以直接取整了)需要注意的是:timestamp() 方法默认生成的是10位(秒级)时间戳,如果要转换为13位(毫秒级)的话,把结果*1000才行另外使用...
input { file { path => "/usr/local/servers/logstash/data/movies/movies.csv" start_position => "beginning" } } filter { csv { separator => "," columns => ["id","content","genre"] } mutate { split => { "genre" => "|" } remove_field => ["path", "host","@timestamp",...
| where Timestamp > ago(Timeframe) | where EmailDirection == "Outbound" // Assuming you are looking into mails sent by your organization | extend EmailDomain = tostring(split(RecipientEmailAddress, '@')[1]) | join kind=inner (domainList) on $left.EmailDomain == $right.domain ...
This might be redundant for descriptive names (for example, timestamp) but is critical to describe tables or columns with meaningless names. You don't have to add docstring to tables or columns that are rarely used. For more information, see .alter table column-docstrings command. To improve...
enrichment_timestamp長整數強化時間戳記。 environment_variables_keysdynamic: string 陣列指定與程序相關聯的環境變數索引鍵清單。 environment_variables_valuesdynamic: string 陣列指定與處理程序相關聯的環境變數值清單。 事件類型INT事件類型-事件或警示。
'timeStamp' => '' . time() . '', //时间戳 'nonceStr' => $this->createNoncestr(), //随机串 'package' => 'prepay_id=' . $unifiedorder['prepay_id'], //数据包 'signType' => 'MD5'//签名方式 ); //签名 $parameters['paySign'] = $this->getSign($parameters); ...
anomaly_timestamp 长整型 异常时间戳记。 生物制造商 字符串 端点BIOS 制造商。 生物版 字符串 端点BIOS 版本。 correlation_description 字符串 关联描述。 关联标识 字符串 以字符串表示的相关唯一标识。 correlation_source 字符串 关联源。 correlation_timestamp 长整型 关联时间戳记。 created_by_id INT 由分...
Prepare your database: Add docstring properties to describe common tables and columns. This might be redundant for descriptive names (for example, timestamp) but is critical to describe tables or columns with meaningless names. You don't have to add docstring to tables or columns that are rarel...