| mv-expand category=low_level_categories to typeof(int) | summarize TotalEvents=count_distinct(event_uuid), UnparsedEvents=count_distinctif(event_uuid, category > 10000 and category < 11000) | project TotalEvents, UnparsedEvents, PctUnparsed=(UnparsedEvents/TotalEvents)*100 示例2 以下KQL...
名称描述 独一无二的当前不支持子查询 ! 在当前不支持子查询 顶级发射器当前不支持近似值算法Count-min 草图,因此不比summarize运算符更高效 允许当前不支持任何 let 功能。 函数数目 名称描述 dcount ()count_distinct () 的同义词。 将忽略第二个参数。 此时不支持 HpperLogLog (HLL) 或近似值。
我在azure日志分析中有一个Kusto /KQL查询,它聚合了一段时间内的事件计数,例如: customEvents| extendcustomDimensions["ChannelName"] | summarize events=count() by bin(timestamp, 1m), tostring(channel) 这给出了每个分钟存储桶中的< 浏览20提问于2021-09-22得票数 0 ...
count Counts records in the input table (for example, T)This operator is shorthand for summarize count() T | count join Merges the rows of two tables to form a new table by matching values of the specified column(s) from each table. Supports a full range of join types: fullouter, inn...
countCounts records in the input table (for example, T) This operator is shorthand forsummarize count()T | count joinMerges the rows of two tables to form a new table by matching values of the specified column(s) from each table. Supports a full range of join types:fullouter,inner,inner...
|summarize dcount(DisplayName) by Computer |where dcount_DisplayName >= 2 | extend hostdisplay = strcat(Computer," - ",DisplayName) | distinct hostdisplay Hope this is what you are looking for. GaryBushey You might also try? SecurityAlert|where ProductNamein("Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat...
I can get the distinct count: SecurityAlert | where ProductName in("Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection") | where ProviderName == "MDATP" | mv-expand parsejson(Entities) |extend Computer = tostring(Entities.HostName) |summarize dcount(DisplayName) by Computer ...
SigninLogs |whereTimeGenerated >ago(14d) |whereUserPrincipalName =="reprise_99@testdomain.com"|whereResultType =="0"|summarizeDistinctAppCount=dcount(AppDisplayName)byAppDisplayName This will return a single record for each distinct applicationreprise_99@testdomain.comsigned into. ...
Show a list of all distinct counters being captured. C# // What data is being collected?// List the collected performance counters and object types (Process, Memory, Processor.)Perf | summarizebyObjectName, CounterName Show a count of the data points collected in the last 24 hour...
count Counts records in the input table (for example, T)This operator is shorthand for summarize count() T | count join Merges the rows of two tables to form a new table by matching values of the specified column(s) from each table. Supports a full range of join types: fullouter, inn...