Despite using the "Project", "Project-reorder" I am unable to arrange column of "TimeGenerated". In result section "TimeGenerated" appear as first column. However, I want to put it as second column. PS : We are using this query in alert rules and using alert JSON to do further automa...
Hi Team, Please help us to write KQL. We have created rule with help of "SecurityAlert" table. but due to last its not working. We dont want particular command line alert. how it will excluded...
Expand table Count 28Note KQL is case-sensitive for everything – table names, table column names, operators, functions, and so on.This query has a single tabular expression statement. The statement begins with a reference to a table called StormEvents and contains several operators, where ...
JsonWriteSettings KnownActionOnExistingTargetTable KnownActivityOnInactiveMarkAs KnownActivityState KnownAmazonRdsForOraclePartitionOption KnownAvroCompressionCodec KnownAzureFunctionActivityMethod KnownAzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType KnownAzureStorageAuthenticationType KnownBigDataPoolReferenceType KnownBlobEventType Known...
AddDataFlowToDebugSessionResponse AdditionalColumns AmazonMWSLinkedService AmazonMWSObjectDataset AmazonMWSSource AmazonRdsForOracleLinkedService AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionOption AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionSettings AmazonRdsForOracleSource AmazonRdsForOracleTableDataset AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService AmazonRdsForSqlServe...
AddDataFlowToDebugSessionResponse AdditionalColumns AmazonMWSLinkedService AmazonMWSObjectDataset AmazonMWSSource AmazonRdsForOracleLinkedService AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionOption AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionSettings AmazonRdsForOracleSource AmazonRdsForOracleTableDataset AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService AmazonRdsForSqlServe...
Thanks for the query. Always great to see how other people solve these challenges. I was able to find a different way using make_set DeviceEvents | where ActionType has_any ("AntivirusScanCompleted", "AntivirusScanCancelled") | extend AdditionalFields = ...
| mv-expand AlertIds to typeof(string) ) on $left.SystemAlertId == $right.AlertIds | project IncidentName = Title, IncidentNumber=IncidentNumber, AlertName = AlertName This line is wrong | expand id_ = tostring(Entities.["$id"]), ...
AddDataFlowToDebugSessionResponse AdditionalColumns AmazonMWSLinkedService AmazonMWSObjectDataset AmazonMWSSource AmazonRdsForOracleLinkedService AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionOption AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionSettings AmazonRdsForOracleSource AmazonRdsForOracleTableDataset AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService AmazonRdsForSqlServe...
Expand table abortSignal The signal which can be used to abort requests. onResponse A function to be called each time a response is received from the server while performing the requested operation. May be called multiple times. requestOptions Options used when creating and sending HTTP request...