author:string);Events|where Scope==""{myscope}""and EventTimebetween(datetime({startdate})..dat...
Is there a way to use or convert YARA rule to Sentinel KQL query for detections I have noticed that most malware detections are released in YARA language and Sentinel does not have baked in support for YARA rule. Keen to understand how others are dealing with this situation. deepak198486Jan...
public stringDomain {get;set; }// 获取或设置此 Cookie 的过期日期和时间(在客户端)。publicDateTimeExpires {get;set; }// 获取一个值,通过该值指示 Cookie 是否具有子键。public boolHasKeys {get; }// 获取或设置一个值,该值指定 Cookie 是否可通过客户端脚本访问。 // 如果 Cookie 具有 HttpOnly 属...