联系电话:027-51239642 027-51239643 传真:027-62308829 手机:15827595226 联系人:王艳 QQ:1910581575 地址:武汉市青山区工人村都市工作园日本SMC接头 KPL04-00 KPY06-01 KQ2F08-02-X2SMC三通接头 KPL04-01 KPY06-02 KQ2F08-03日本SMC三通接头 KPL04-02 KPY08-01 KQ2F08-03-X2SMC气管 KPL06-00 KPY0...
Selective removal of arsenic(V) from drinking water was carried out with strong-base anion-exchange resins. The influence on the efficiency fo the process of parameters such as type of anion-exchange resin and water composition was investigated. Recycling of the sodium chloride regenerant solution ...