01强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)和心血管器械公司Shockwave Medical公司4月5日宣布达成最终协议,强生将以每股335美元的价格现金收购Shockwave的所有流通股。本次交易总价值约为131亿美元,包括收购现金在内。该交易已得到两家公司董事会批准。收购Shockwave将进一步夯实强生医疗科技在心血管介入领域的市场领导者地位,并加速...
08美国碧迪医疗公司(BD)已同意以42亿美元现金收购爱德华生命科学(Edwards Lifesciences)的重症监护部门CRITICAL CARE,此举旨在拓展其医疗监测产品线。此次收购包括爱德华生命科学旗下所有重症监护产品。随着协议的达成,爱德华生命科学取消了重症监护业务的分拆计划。此次交易对两家公司在医疗设备领域的业务结构均产生了影响。
碧迪收购爱德华生命科学重症监护业务 08美国碧迪医疗公司(BD)已同意以42亿美元现金收购爱德华生命科学(Edwards Lifesciences)的重症监护部门CRITICAL CARE,此举旨在拓展其医疗监测产品线。此次收购包括爱德华生命科学旗下所有重症监护产品。随着协议的达成,爱德华生命科学取消了重症监护业务的分拆计划。此次交易对两家公司在医疗...
Founded in 1961, LRE Medical is a leading provider of complex devices and analytical instruments for the life sciences industry. LRE supports global OEMs through a comprehensive service offering providing high-quality engineering solutions and manufacturing for medical and life science diagnostic equ...
com> 2(0.08%) @Intel @American No.211 Manfred Spraul <manfred () colorfullife ! com> 2(0.08%) @Hobbyists @Unknown No.211 Konstantin Khlebnikov <koct9i () gmail ! com> 2(0.08%) @Unknown @Unknown No.211 Lorenzo Colitti <lorenzo () google ! com> 2(0.08%) @Google @Unknown No.211...
The treatment also improved the patients' functional status and quality of life. The study suggests that this treatment option may be beneficial for PCNSL patients who cannot tolerate intensive chemotherapy.doi:10.1007/s10072-024-07348-4Guo, Xiao-Ling...
Labcorp is a leading global life sciences company with a mission to improve health and improve lives. Combining world-class diagnostic solutions with its drug development business, our cutting-edge technologies, unparalleled data, and growing menu of standard and highly-specialized tests not only info...
醫療保健產品製造 Edwards Lifesciences 3.9 574 条点评 查看公司 对比 醫療保健產品製造 Smith & Nephew 3.7 1126 条点评 查看公司 对比 slide3 of 5 醫療保健 Philips 3.9 4270 条点评 | 117 个职位 查看公司 对比 醫療保健產品製造 Teleflex 3.7 761 条点评 查看公司 对比 製藥及生物科技 Thermo Fisher Scient...
Research Institute - Increase lifespan of wearable parts - New improved technology and products - Minimal downtime to minimize delays in production - Variety of wear combating options available as a one stop solution - Strong focus on product innovation supported...