District Inspector General (DIG) of Malakand told media that the authorities have taken control of the area, with law enforcement agencies swiftly responding to the situation. The rescue officials shifted the bodies and injured in the blast to the nearest hospital for immediate medical assistance. A...
XII. Governing Law;Arbitration This Agreement will be governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of California without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions.The United Nations Convention on Contracts of International Sales of Goods also does not apply to this Agreement.The English ...
Inthisdocumentary,lawenforcementfacesscrutinyasAmericansdemandjusticeafterpoliceviolenceclaimsmultip 蓝光 大进军——大战宁沪杭 1949年4月,经过辽沈、淮海、平津三大战役之后,国共双方的军事力量对比发生了根本的变化。人民解放军根据毛泽东主席和朱德总司令“向全国进军”的命令,向尚被国民党当局控制的广大地区发起了大规模...