Unauthorised use of these and any other of KPMG’s portfolio of trademarks is prohibited and may become subject to legal proceedings. To request written approval, please use the “Contact us” feature. OUR LIABILITY To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all conditions, warranties, ...
and with KPMG International Limited, its related entities and other KPMG firms where required or desirable to meet our legal and regulatory obligations around the world. Other parts of the KPMG organization are also used to provide services to us and you, for example...
prefer to restrict its use rather than having us erase it, or need us to preserve it for you to establish, exercise, or defend a legal claim. A temporary restriction may apply while verifying whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to process it. You can ask us to inform you before...
Object to processing: you may have the right to object to us processing your personal information if we are not entitled to use it any more. Withdrawal of consent: where we process your personal information on the legal basis of the consent from you, you have the right to withdraw your co...
Legal Privacy Accessibility Sitemap Help Glossary linkedin. Opens in a new window facebook. Opens in a new window instagram. Opens in a new window twitter. Opens in a new window youtube. Opens in a new window About us Our Impact Plan Alumni Contact us News and Media ...
1 "KPMG," "we," "our," and "us" refers to KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity, and/or to any one or more of the member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services....
First launched globally 10 years ago, the KPMG CEO Outlook surveys more than 1,300 global business leaders overseeing companies with revenues of at least US$500M from some of the world's biggest economies and key industries. The last 10 years have been defined by volatility, ranging from ...
KPMG will collect your personal information you provide for your enquiry. By continuing with your enquiry you agree that KPMG may handle your personal information in accordance with theKPMG Privacy Policy. Check the box if you agree* Submit ...
The KPMG name and logo are trademarks used under license by the independent member firms of the KPMG global organization. For more detail about the structure of the KPMG global organization please visit https://home.kpmg/governance KPMG LLP offers a comprehensive compensation and benefits package. ...
KPMG will collect your personal information you provide for your enquiry. By continuing with your enquiry you agree that KPMG may handle your personal information in accordance with theKPMG Privacy Policy. Check the box if you agree* Submit ...