A learning solution for the adult social care sector Put the carers at the heart of care How can a nationwide approach to learning benefit the adult social... Put the carers at the heart of care Our experts Louise Scott-Worrall UK Head of Learning Services KPMG in the UK Profil...
KPMG Tax Reimagined 2024: Perspectivas desde la alta dirección Análisis de la evolución de la función fiscal corporativa. Accede KPMG Tendencias Así se aplica el "machine learning"en la función fiscal En el ámbito fiscal, los modelos de machine learning se aplican en reportes internos, ...
Partner at KPMG | Head of Enterprise Service Management Advisory See all employees Updates KPMG Denmark 25,346 followers 1d Vi er for tredje år i træk stolt partner til Årets SMV - en prisuddeling, som hylder de mange ildsjæle i de små og mellemstore virksomheder i Da...
in the interim. We are looking for students within the 1st class or 2.1-degree class with an interest in the firm's service offerings, across all divisions. On this program, you’ll join industry experts developing meaningful solutions for clients, giving you a great head start on your ...
KMPG UK head of consulting,David Rowlands, added: “Our strength is our people, and our people perform best when they’re continually building confidence, skills and knowledge which can be used to solve client problems. A key hallmark of our consultants is an ability to work shoulder to shoul...
Mohammad Zamani, Partner and Head of Emiratization at KPMG Lower Gulfelaborated on the program: “The term ‘Intilaq,’ meaning ‘take-off’ in Arabic, represents a springboard for the careers of our Emirati cohorts, setting them on an exciting trajectory. This curated program is designe...
Welcome to the KPMG knowledge base of research that demonstrates our understanding of complex business challenges faced by... Our leaders Jamal Fakhro Managing Partner KPMG in Bahrain Profile | Email | Phone Jaafar AlQubaiti Head of Audit KPMG in Bahrain Profile | Email | Phone Jeyapriya ...
Associate Professor Roberto Dillon, Academic Head of Science and Technology at James Cook University in Singapore, said, “Cybersecurity is as challenging as it is exciting and, thanks to this partnership with KPMG Singapore, we are confident we can deliver our students not only an academically ri...
David Rowlands Global Head of AI KPMG International For the CEOs surveyed, technological innovation has been the single most disruptive force over the past 10 years, with emerging and disruptive technology landing as a top three risk to growth in six of the past nine surveys. When KPMG first ...
KPMG Singapore partner and Audit head Alex Koh said: Our collaboration with ACCA to introduce the ESG future skills programme is more than just providing access— it is about building on qualities and fundamentals that accountants already possess and applying these to emerging areas.” ...