The procurement function must develop new capabilities to stay in front of change. Our Alliances Working together to address your toughest business challenges. Digital Transformation Make IT work for you KPMG Connected Enterprise Creating a customer-centric, digitally enabled business...
Our vision is to empower half a million students by 2025 with the cyber literacy to safely navigate the digital world, and moreover contribute to the KPMG Global Firm’s IMPACT goal of improving the social mobility of 10 million disadvantaged young people by 2030. Our Global Cyber Day ...
Last but not least, on ourGet cyber smart - KPMG Globalwebsite one can find a brief video introducing the KPMG Global Cyber Day initiative. Optionally, you may list creative and production credits for your event - a list of the people and organizations that contributed to it...
KPMG Australia has opened the floodgates on acquisitive growth, stitching up a deal overnight with cyber security company First Point Global, its sixth purchase in 18 months. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. However, tech investors and analysts estimate the cyber consultancy could fetch ...
Global and regional analysis with key investment data and insights Top fintech trends for 2021 and beyond Interview with Bill Borden, Corporate Vice President, Worldwide Financial Services, Microsoft Fintech segment insights for a deeper dive into payments, insurtech, regtech, wealthtech, cybersecurity...
Fintech segments › Top trends coming for H2'23 › Asia Pacific › EMEA › Connect with us Troy Dort Director, IT Advisory KPMG in Bermuda Profile||Phone Pulse of Fintech H1'23 Biannual analysis of global fintech funding. Download PDF (560 KB) ⤓...