Doradztwo transakcyjne Deal Strategy Finansowanie Fuzje i przejęcia Private Equity Wyceny Zarządzanie ryzykiem nadużyć Nasze podejście, oparte na gruntownej analizie uwarunkowań otoczenia bzinesowego, pomaga w osiągnięciu tego celu, równoważąc krótkoterminową p...
Looking to buy or sell a business? Considering an investment opportunity? We’ll help create a bold strategy and navigate the complexities of deals
At the heart of Irish business, we drive conversations across audit, tax, deal advisory & consulting. Contact us for advice you can act on - today.
KPMG裁员deal advisory 主要受交易缺乏和经济增长放缓影响,市场对deal advisory的需求降低,所以KPMG又搞一轮裁员,而且冻结了deal advisory员工的工资。 据说特别突然,周二早上直接开会宣布裁员。预计裁员11...
With professional teams in management consulting, risk consulting, deal advisory and strategy, our advisory practice works with diverse clients, including government organisations and large financial corporations. When you join advisory, you will be part of a multi-disciplinary team d...
deal advisory是专对并购交易服务的,出路一般是vc pe 投行。审计的话,出路更宽点,财务、内审内控、...
不知不觉在KPMG Deal Advisory(“DA”)下辖的Transaction Service(“TS”)也呆了几年,可以跟大家分享一下相对小众有时略显神秘的DA,特别是TS。 DA致力于在企业收购、出售、合伙、融资、转向(turn around)、财务重组和破产清算等领域提供服务。在大DA的架构下,下辖Transaction Service, Restructuring Service(“RS”...
在大DA的架构下,下辖Transaction Service, Restructuring Service(“RS”), Corporate Finance(“CF”), Valuation and Modeling(“VM”)和新近从CF中分立出来的Infrastructure, Government, and Healthcare(“IGH”,基建领域)。以上是KPMG的架构,其他四大也有类似的部门。
- Deal strategy - Separation and integration KPMG Corporate Finance is a global leader in M&A advisory with an international network of 2,500 corporate finance professionals in 80 countries. We have been closing more than 6,000 M&A transactions since 2010 and is consistently ranke...