The different ITKPI metrics are designed to help IT departments to assess the success of their strategies, identify areas for improvement, and enable the IT department to better manage their resources and operations. 2. Types of ITKPI • Security: This metric measures the security of an IT ...
COO :Chief Operation Officer, 首席运营官 CTO: Chief Technology Officer, 首席技术官 CIO :Chief Information Officer,首席信息官 JD:Job Description,岗位说明书 例句: My friend is in charge of CRM. 我的朋友负责客户关系管理。 二,工作沟通交流中一些英文缩写 Q:Quarter,季度 KPI:Key Performance Indicator,...
Operational Reportsare focused predominantly on an organization's day-to-day activities. They provide information to those involved in those activities to help make decisions or take action. For example, a finance department's report covering the number of debtors may be used to keep debtor levels...
There will be KPIs for each department, but each will contribute towards the organisational strategy. Typically, organisations manage this process with a recognised management framework methodology such as the Balanced Scorecard. What we need to remember in the context of this discussion, is that it...
Establish strategic goals.Determine the goals for the organization, department or other entity that requires the KPIs. Ensure that the goals are consistent with the organization's overall objectives. Select the appropriate measures.Identify business measures that are specific to the goals and that can...
Technology 客户关系 教育 金融 卫生保健 人力资源 制造业 营销 销售量 技术 Focus KPIs and KQIs can benefit either the business or the consumer, depending on the tracked factors and data collected. For example, tracking the number of people that visit your website can be either business- or cust...
The software you’re using, the people responsible for collecting, and the way you’re reporting should all be as up to date as possible. KPI examples KPIs are unique to each business and department, because each business and department has unique goals. However, there are enough similarities...
To uphold accountability, assign each KPI an owner responsible for monitoring performance. Department heads or managers typically oversee KPIs that map to their domain. Owners must analyze new data, address underperformance, share insights across the organization and recommend improvements based on KPI ou...
The time to hire is an essential measure in recruitment. This metric counts the number of days that pass between applying for a job and accepting a job offer. As a result, time to hire provides insight into recruitment efficiency and applicant experience. An HR department’s ability to quickl...
参考文献: [1]kradolfer m.a workflow metamodel supporting dynamic,reuse-basedmodel evolution[ph d dissertation].department of information technology,university of zurich,switzerland,2000 [2]johann eder,wolfgang gruber.a meta model for structuredworkflows supporting workflow transformations[j].y.manolo...