KPI Dashboard Template for PowerPoint is a professional presentations with a simple 2 variables dashboard (traffic vs conversion) and different visual representations of their evolution. The dashboard contains six basic components (amount of traffic and conversions represented as a donut chart, traffic...
此演示模板是一个适用于会计、管理、公司业务报告和个人使用的多用途 ppt模板,您可以在短短几分钟内创建一个功能强大、设计完美的专业演示文稿,并更改所有形状、图标、字体的颜色,并自动重新着色。
此演示模板是一个适用于会计、管理、公司业务报告和个人使用的多用途 ppt模板,您可以在短短几分钟内创建一个功能强大、设计完美的专业演示文稿,并更改所有形状、图标、字体的颜色,并自动重新着色。 资源下载 下载价格VIP专享 仅限VIP下载升级VIP立即购买 1、升级VIP会员即可下载本站全部资源,不需额外付费 2、有问题...
隆重推出业务 KPI 仪表板演示模板,专为跟踪关键绩效指标而设计。通过动态仪表板无缝可视化业务分析。通过引人注目的视觉效果提升您的宣传效果,展示做出明智决策所需的基本 KPI。通过数据驱动的见解将您的演示文稿转变为引人入胜的商业成功叙述。
A KPI dashboard showcases all key performance indicators in one place. Today’s template is all about organizing your KPI dashboards in the most engaging way with the help of PowerPoint design tools and animations. Even, this template has a modern design trend with a Neumorphism effect that...
Do you have any free KPI dashboard templates? Yes! Previously, we have shared a free KPI dashboard template that is also professionally animated and can be used in PowerPoint presentations. Where can I use this business KPI template? Like our other PowerPoint and Google Slides templates, you ...
A KPI dashboard is a reporting tool that brings your KPIs together in one place so you can compare your current performance against your objectives.
A KPI dashboard template visualizes the performance of an organization's metrics over time. These dashboards typically include indicators to specify the red, yellow, or green status of each measure; adding qualitative fields to your KPI dashboards is a great way to add more context alongside ...
Generating a KPI system with the help of professional dashboards will help you paint a clear picture of your performance and operations. But, to ensure that all of your KPIs serve up information in the appropriate context and that it’s possible to derive maximum insight from a simple glance...
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