小键盘的斜杠键 "/"
kp_slash (对应键位 "/") kp_multiply (对应键位 "*") kp_minus (对应键位 "-") kp_home (对应键位 "7") kp_uparrow (对应键位 "8") kp_pgup (对应键位 "9") kp_leftarrow (对应键位 "4") kp_5 (对应键位 "5") kp_rightarrow (对应键位 "6") kp_end (对应键位 "1")...
以下是部分数字键对应的快捷键功能:KP_HOME:b413KP_UPARROW:b424KP_PGUP:awpKP_LEFTARROW:mp5KP_5:p90KP_RIGHTARROW:ump45KP_END:uspKP_DOWNARROW:deagleKP_PGDN:p228KP_ENTER:hegrenKP_INS:helmKP_DEL:vestKP_SLASH:nvgsKP_MINUS:defuserKP_PLUS:fb 这些快捷键可以帮助玩家快速执行...
bind + 键位名称 + "buy 枪械名称" (输入时无需添加"+"号) 小键盘键位名称及对应键位表: kp_slash (对应键位 "/") kp_multiply (对应键位 "*") kp_minus (对应键位 "-") kp_home (对应键位 "7") kp_uparrow (对应键位 "8") kp_pgup (对应键位 "9") kp_leftarrow (对应键位 "4") kp_5...
【条件】由自己的攻击表示怪兽(天使族)承受攻击的对方怪兽的攻击宣言时,支付500基本分才能发动。 【效果】攻击的怪兽的攻击力直到回合结束时下降1000。 「割削光环」,罕贵是N,陷阱卡。1000数值还行。卡图里的是「艺术天使·金属位置」。卡名是slash(斩劈)和halo(光环)。
Ibanez RGKP6-WK Standard 2014 - 2015 - Weathered Black Price$650 +$100Shipping Add to Cart Make an Offer Watch Compare 1 Listing including Reverb BumpLearn More Save Search Sort by:Proximity All Filters Seller Location:Everywhere New & Used ...
默qECBhsLaSh 文章数:62 年度积分:155 历史总积分:3941 作者的所有帖子(62) 注册时间:2018/11/30 发站内信 发表于:2019/10/29 20:06:46 #4楼 2SK2035 N沟道MOS型(高速开关,模拟开关应用) http://www.icpdf.com/TOSHIBA_datasheet_cn/2SK2035_pdf_893870/ 【方案】BIS-6670K:模块化/低功耗/丰富...
The keyboard shortcut "/" (Slash) also opens the Indicator dialog. You may also use this control to change or remove studies that have already been applied to the chart. Once a study is on the chart, you can click on the study header, or open the Indicators control and click on the...
written by:Ben Monroe, Sandy Petersen additional material provided by:William Jones evil marketing the number after the slash i 3、s how much your character loses if you roll over your cur- rent SAN. When confronted with sanity-blasting events, your Keeper will ask you to roll the percentile...
The keyboard shortcut "/" (Slash) also opens the Indicator dialog. You may also use this control to change or remove studies that have already been applied to the chart. Once a study is on the chart, you can click on the study header, or open the Indicators control and click on the...