1.lit adj.(slang 俚语)很棒,很赞,很酷; 2.Rock v.很棒,很赞! You rock!你好牛! 3.Awesome adj.很棒,很酷,很牛 1371344kpbj 听你们说了,我开的倍速,更像小岳岳了 2020-045 回复@1371344kpbj 表情0/300发表评论 其他用户评论 13773048air 受益匪浅 中年学英语 更多的是安慰自己 2017-06回复39 爱...
Do you know a slang term that we've missed? Please tell us using this form.Share This Page If you like Cyber Definitions (or this page in particular), please link to it or share it with others. If you do, please tell us. It helps us a lot! https://www.cyberdefinitions.com/defin...
网络语言(internet slang)是... 绝地生存_[官版] 下载入口 绝地生存_安全高速下载,购买游戏特惠低至 1 折,2022年下载地址,官版入口-中文正版PC端下载,价格实惠,低至1折!!广告 康铭医疗设备 妇科手术床厂家厂家直销 行业领先 山东康铭专业生产销售妇科手术床厂家,妇科手术床厂家价格优惠,质量过硬,妇科手术床厂家...
Yummy mummy is a slang term used in the United Kingdom to describe young, attractive and wealthy mothers. A yummy mummy would have several children and yet remain a "girl-about-town", dressing fashionably and appearing well-groomed and carefree. ...
专辑: SLANGANG (feat. Wait a Minute) [Explicit] 歌手:GiavoWait a Minute 还没有歌词哦Giavo、Wait a Minute - SLANGANG (feat. Wait a Minute)(Explicit) / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 SLANGANG Giavo、Wait a Minute 02:00...
(China, for the uninitiated, is short for 'china plate', which is cockneyrhyming slang for 'mate'.) Three weeks later, I led Mr Pietersen through thehalls of the Fountain Television Studios in Wembley, where Britain's Got Talentwas being filmed, past my dingy little dressing room in ...
Now my niggas slang 'caine like a dandy I tell you how it go You pull out rubber bands I pull out an envelope The ladies on my elbow ain't for the show Every madame on my team is a top general oh Got to be ready for war war Should they get into my door door Get 'em we'll...
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Slang, Chat & Pop culture (14) Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? Rank Abbr.Meaning KP Kaiser Permanente KP Knight of St Patrick KP Keratosis Pilaris KP KinnPorsche (TV show) KP North Korea (Internet country abbreviation) KP King of Prussia (Pennsylvania) KP Kim Possible (TV show...
This definition appears rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Slang/chat, popular culture See otherdefinitions of KP Other Resources: We have 23 othermeanings of KPin our Acronym Attic Link/Page Citation Abbreviation Database Surfer ...