We present two econometric approaches that complement each other. Both approaches distinguish between the older cohorts that entered the labor market before the AKP came to power and younger cohorts that did so with the AKP in power to study the employment opportunities of pious Sunnis versus sec...
Next cameApril. And I thought “OK, let’s power thru this month, and we’ll be in the clear.” I stayed hunkered down while sewing masks, donating toFeedingmerica.org, re-posting memes, and chuckling as my favorite late night TV hosts filmed from their living rooms. I was still pla...
Jobs Bot This bot lists career opportunities at Telegram and accepts candidates’ applications. Available at telegram.org/jobs GDPR Bot Telegram’s Official GDPR bot. GameBot I’m a demo bot for the Telegram Gaming Platform. I can get you a few fun sample games to play. ContestBot ContestBo...