I recently had a total hip replacement in Los Angeles with Dr. Bala. He is one of the few doctors that does the anterior approach which provided me with a quicker recovery and better stability after surgery. He is very knowledgable, supportive and personable. I feel very lucky to have gon...
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Tsui, J.; Martinez, B.; Shin, M.B.; Allee-Munoz, A.; Rodriguez, I.; Navarro, J.; Thomas-Barrios, K.R.; Kast, W.M.; Baezconde-Garbanati, L. Understanding medical mistrust and HPV vaccine hesitancy among multiethnic parents in Los Angeles.J. Behav. Med.2022,46, 100–115. [Goo...
Watts Medical Plaza 620米 Outpatient Diagnostics 660米 Del Webb Health Educ. 660米 有用信息 性价比6.5 位置评分6.8 最近机场Hawthorne Municipal Airport (HHR) 距机场9.1公里 德尔阿莫旅馆提供的房型 惊艳了 客房品质及舒适度 10 更多客房图片和详情 ...
第123名,木地岗洛杉矶凯萨医疗中心(Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, Woodland Hills) 第137名,夏普丘拉维斯塔医疗中心(Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center, Chula Vista) 第145名,橙市尔湾加大医疗中心(UC Irvine Medical Center, Orange)
Bougie Bakes, a direct-to-consum-er bakery based in Los Angeles, produces and markets an assortment of sugar-free, dairy-free, gluten-free cookies, brownies and muffins. Married co-founders Ryan and Meghan Quinn named the business as a nod to the premium ingredients used - "if our recipe...
作为一个五年的医疗科技领域媒体,思宇医械的女性读者约30%,在我们的线下活动中,确实也很少有女性参加。三八节到来,特推出《The Healthcare Technology Report》今年发布的榜单“The Top 25 Women Leaders in Medical Devices of 2022”,供大家了解25位女性高管经历。
Understanding medical mistrust and HPV vaccine hesitancy among multiethnic parents in Los Angeles. J. Behav. Med. 2022, 46, 100–115. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Dubé, E.; Gagnon, D.; MacDonald, N.E. Strategies intended to address vaccine hesitancy: Review of Published Reviews....