the unmanned Kowloon Walled City was densely populated since 1950s; it was world known as a slum controlled by underworld gangs with high rates of crimes, prostitution, gambling and drug use. In 1984, the governments of both China and Britain came to an agreement, afterwards the rectification ...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Kowloon Walled City at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
This following diagram Courtesy of South China Morning Post depicts the living conditions of the Kowloon Walled city. In architecture, we talk a lot about the idea of an organic, self-governed or a city of anarchy… Is it your idea of utopic? Courtesy of South China Morning Post In 1987,...
Kowloon Walled City was originally just a military fort in China. The Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory of 1898 handed additional parts of Hong Kong (the New Territories) to Britain for 99 years, but excluded the Walled City, which at the time had a population of roughly ...
The End of Kowloon Walled City In 1984, both the Chinese and the British governments had decided the site had become too much of an eyesore and embarrassment, and, with control of Hong Kong soon destined to return to Chinese hands, authorities began plans to tear the site down. ...
What makes this city interesting is the fact that without any interference from the British government and the Republic of China, it grew almost organically under the weak triads that govern the city, square buildings folded up into one another as thousands of modifications were made, virtually no...
It has been twenty years since the demolition of the Kowloon Walled City. To mark this, the South China Morning Post has created an info-graphic that details the facts and figures of what life was like inside this architectural oddity. Read more about the madness that was KWC after the bre...
a small fort was built at the head of the beach which then adjoined the site. The importance of the area to China's maritime defenses grew sharply following the British occupation of Hong Kong Island in 1841. Between 1843 and 1847 a walled garrison-city was constructed. Massive stone walls...
Kowloon walled city九龙寨城,1993年一个日本研究团队这里被拆除之前,用了一周的时间进入场地调研资料搜集,勾画出了这个密集社区的剖面--“蜷蹲的天堂”。这个80年代的集合住宅社区是一个没有任何建筑师规划师参与的项目,居民在居住过程中房子呈现出自然生长的密集形态 。Via:@王蕾_LeirahWang ...
美 英 n.【旅】九龙寨城 英汉 n. 1. 【旅】九龙寨城, 九龙城寨,香港殖民地时代位于今九龙城区的一座围城,于1993年被拆除 例句 释义: 全部,九龙寨城